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Mighty Ape presents Ping Zero 49!

By Andi

Here at Mighty Ape, we absolutely love to get buried amongst the latest and greatest games. Whether we're running with our fireteam in Destiny, or raging at Mei in Overwatch – the office is always abuzz with the latest exploits of our Monkeys!

Gaming is so much more about what happens in a game, it's about who you retell your stories to and who you share the moments with! So when the folks behind the EPIC Ping Zero LAN events came to us, we absolutely jumped at the chance to get involved!

Mighty Ape is very proud to present Ping Zero 49, a three day LAN event taking place from the 22nd to 24th of July.

The longest running LAN event in the country, there's always a MASSIVE turnout of gamers and so a suitable venue is a must. This year Ping Zero will be held at the North Shore Events Centre – home to wicked sports, gatherings and more.

Tickets are available for Spectators, Tablet players, or PC and Console gamers, however due to some of the games being played, the event is R18.

Among the line up of titles, there's CS:GO, DOTA 2, Street Fighter V, Overwatch, Rocket League, HearthstoneSu­per Smash Bros 4… there's too many to count!

Of course, we don't just want to slap our name on an event and call it a day. Not only will a number of Mighty Ape Monkeys be coming along to join in the fun, but we'll be putting forward official teams to compete in both CS:GO and Street Fighter V tournaments!

These guys took out first place at the last Ping Zero event, and have a list of accolades longer than Merlin's beard, so you're going to have to bring your A game to take out the title!

Think you've got what it takes to go up against TeamMightyApe? Bring your rig along and find out…

If that's not enough to get you along. There's some incredible prizes up for grabs too!

There's more than $3,000 cash up for grabs in the tournaments as well as a custom built Gaming PC – designed by our very own Gorilla Gaming Rig team – up for grabs to anyone that attends!

We're keeping this build under wraps for the time being, but can confirm that it will be built in the stunning and HUGELY modular Be Quiet 900 Pro Chassis!

That should give you some clue as to the calibre of this rig and how hotly sought after it's going to be!

So how do you get tickets? Well, the best part of all of this is that to celebrate our partnership with Ping Zero, we've got 30 All Access Passes to giveaway!

It's first in, first served with a limit of one per person, so if you're over 18 then get your entry in now… then go bully the rest of your clan to enter so you can represent at Ping Zero 49!

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